First and foremost I want to thank my mother Angela Pless for providing me the insight, knowledge and background to our family traditions and cooking. Furthermore, thank you for providing the recipes and help cooking the recipes throughout the process. The cookbook was an idea that you and I came up with in conversation about preserving recipes from the past and to bring them back to life. We also wanted to ensure these recipes would not get lost and that they can be handed down to next generations. Thanks Mom.
Thank you to Loretta Pellicane and Angela Pless for sharing information about an original cookbook put together by Evelyn D’Angelo in 1977. Evelyn was able to create her cookbook by reaching out to family members and asking everyone for three recipe contributions, in addition to a few of her own. In the end, the cookbook was provided as a gift to everyone who contributed. I was able to retrieve some of the recipes contributed by Loretta Giacopelli, Angelina Deangelo, Evelyn D’Angelo, Angela Pless, Loretta Pellicane, Janice Roddick, Antoinette Giacopelli, & Mary D’Angelo and I would also like to thank them.
Thanks to Erica Voll for being an advisor for the website and sharing good information.
Thanks to my wife and kids for giving me the time to spend on working on the cookbook and the website.
“Food, you know, tells us who we are, where we come from. It connects us, it expresses emotion. It expresses care, it expresses love.”
—Lidia Bastianich